Thursday, June 26, 2008


Sorry that I have been super slacker on my blogging. We've been busy, and I haven't really been taking many pictures lately.

I ventured to the pool on Pope Air Force Base yesterday and met Theresa, her twins, and Missy (another dental wife) and her three kiddos. There's no way I'll ever be able to take the kids to the pool by myself until they are able to swim. A big thanks to Missy and Theresa for helping me out! We spent about an hour in the kiddie pool. Connor was much more comfortable sitting on the side and then he ended up in Theresa's lap. Brandon, on the other hand, is a fearless monkey. I'd set him up on the edge, and he'd scoot right into the water with a big splash. I'd stand him up on the side, he would walk to the chair, turn around and walk right back towards me and straight into the water. No fear I tell ya! I can enroll them in swim lessons as early as 18 months, but once again, I can't do it without Eric's help. So, I'm going to look into it and hopefully I can find a time either first thing in the morning or late late afternoon so Daddy can help us. No pictures though...I was too busy wrangling kids!

Brandon's walking is getting better and better. He can turn himself to whatever toy he wants, and he is trying to stand up without pulling himself up on something. Connor walked in early May, and Brandon is consistently 2 months I'm guessing next week will be B's trigger week for walking! Here's a little video. Keep your eye on Connor...this, once again, is a typical day in the Danko House!!!!

A BIG THANK YOU to Theresa for passing us so many toys! She hooked us up with the Learning Home, which the boys love, and lots of other cars, books, the rocket ship shape sorter, which the also love, and other musical type toys. It was like Christmas around here!!!

1 comment:

The Wietholder's said...

they are getting so big...thank you for the family pic! I love it.