Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Going home

It's weird to say that 'I'm going home' and home is Fayetteville! Kentucky has been my home for so long, but we've been in NC for 4 years now...I guess home is in NC :(

We had some nasty storms here tonight that put us in the basement for about 40 minutes. They went just a little south east of us. When I say a little...I mean it missed us by a mile or so! The boys were sleeping right through it, but I had to wake them up when the tornato watch actually hit our county and specifically a neighborhood down the street from us. All is good though, and the boys loved playing in the basement!

After the storm I fed the boys dinner and then we all played. Connor has gotten back into the habit of screaming. When I say scream, I mean ear drum piercing high pitched screaming. I'm used to it, but my fellow Target shoppers today were not! I've started the warning system with them and then time out. Poor Connor visited time out four times tonight! At my parent's house, time out is strapped into the old high chair, facing the washer, with the laundry room door shut. The first time he went in there, he thought it was fun. After the second and the third...the fourth wasn't so much fun anymore. Brandon sat outside the laundry room door every time I put Connor in time out. Connor was crying on the other side and Brandon was making noises back at him. After the fourth time, I think Connor started to make the connection. Lord have mercy on me...the toddler days have arrived! I need to decide where the time out chair will be in my own house. For now, it has to be something I can strap them into. Any ideas???? It can't be something I already their high chairs, cribs, or pack n plays. I don't want them to associate those with a bad thing like time out. I've been looking for a time out chair, but I haven't found one that will work for me. Sigh Thank goodness Eric will be home soon to help with these upcoming tough times.

I'll be driving all day on be thinking of us and praying for another uneventful trip...even if we have hit the toddlers times!

P.S. B is walking! He'll take about 5 or 6 steps at a time and is learning to catch his balance pretty well.

1 comment:

The Harveys said...

Hey Kate! Why don't you do something similar at your house that you've done at your parents: go to a consignment store or garage sale and find an old highchair that the boys will fit in for a while and can't get out of! Make it ONLY a timeout chair.

Do you watch John and Kate plus 8 on Discovery? They have a corner of each room that is the timeout corner: their kids are 3, so they know to stay, but you could do this with the highchair. Or get a used portable high chair, strap it to a chair and then when the boys are older you can remove the highchair part and still have a timeout chair (that could be purchased at a garage sale/antique or junk store).

Just some ideas!! Good luck! Timeouts worked for my girls: they hated being taken away from all the action!