Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Da Boys

Since I gave up Facebook for Lent, I'm sure there are some of you out there who are having Danko Boy Picture Withdrawl!

So, here ya go!

Most of you probably don't know that our little Brandon now wears glasses! He flat out FAILED his vision test at his 5 year old well check. I took him to my optometrist in September for a "before school" exam and he was fine. I took him to the optometrist at the military facility and he told us B's prescription is +2.50 in one eye and +2.75 in the other! OUCH!!! While it's normal for young children to have a slight prescription with no need for corrective lenses, B's eyes are outside what they consider normal for a boy his age. So, the doc gave us what he calls an "academic prescription." That means, he needs to wear glasses at school, doing activities at a table, while on the computer, and playing any hand held device. He does not need to wear them for sports, riding his bike, or watching TV. They started out giving him only 1/3 of his actual prescription in the hopes that his eyes will still continue to strengthen and possibly outgrow this. He looks just SO DARN CUTE in them:) Deep down, I have a feeling his Fine Motor Skills delay is a direct result of him not being able to see at an arms length away. I hope this will help him move right along in his handwriting and other fine motor areas.

We went to a paint your own pottery place this weekend called Clay Cafe. I REALLY miss Just Clayin' Around in Fayetteville:( This place was nice, but the prices were much higher and the customer service just wasn't the same. We did have a really fun time though!!!

B painting his Robot.
The final product! Seriously...he's so cute in those glasses. I can't get over it :)

C painting his Angry Bird

C's finish product! He did that 100% by himself. I think he did a FANTASTIC job.

Notice the tired eyes?!?!?! This was the day after the time change. They didn't want to run any more errands, and just wanted to go home to take a nap. They stopped napping about a month ago. You know your kid is TIRED when they pass up an opportunity to get popcorn and a drink at Target! I really wanted to get my errands run, but gave in and took them home for a nap. I read a few chapters in my book and snagged a 45 minute nap myself. All in all, it was a GREAT Sunday afternoon!


Katrina.Letourneau said...

LOVE B's glasses! They ARE super cute on him! Glad they picked up on the issue though - and he didn't go on longer. But that is a great connection you made - if his eyesight is messing with his motor skills. I wonder why no one thought of that before in the Medical field. Sounds like things are going great!

Danko Grandparents said...

Thanks for new pictures! Can't wait to see the boys in a few weeks. Brandon looks so cute with his new glasses!