We bought...
Cherry Tomatoes
Roma Tomatoes
Green Bell Peppers
Red Bell Peppers
Potting Soil (for our Topsy Turvey Strawberry planter)
Bird Seed
Cherry Tomatoes
Roma Tomatoes
Green Bell Peppers
Red Bell Peppers
Potting Soil (for our Topsy Turvey Strawberry planter)
Bird Seed
I realized, once I got all the way out the car, that my bird seed slid off the bottom of my cart and fell into the parking lot. There was a guy loading his car right next to me and asked if I was the one who lost the bird seed. He said it was by the front of the store. He proceeded to go all the way back and bring it back for me. HOLY COW there ARE still some super nice people out there. That saved me a trip through the busy parking lot with Ding and Dong.
While planting, B started screaming that something was in his ear. He was down right freaking out! I looked in it, and there sure was a little gnat or bug of some kind. The sound of the bug in his ear was really loud and scared him, but my neighbor was standing right there and got it out while I ran inside to get some q-tips and peroxide. It's all good...bug is dead...and B was ok! Very typical of our family though...it's always something!
I'm pooped from the day's festivities, so the Topsy Turvey Strawberries will have to wait until Sunday or Monday. I also need to pick up some more tomato cages. Hopefully the $50 investment we made will MORE than pay off! I'd really like to can some cukes and turn them into pickles. I wouldn't mind making some of my own tomato sauce. That would require these green things to grow! Do I have a green thumb deep down??? I'm slightly doubtful, but I did manage to keep a Poinsettia alive from December through March! I'm guardedly optimistic.
Happy Spring Everyone!!!