Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Brandon's Latest Quote

The boys are really talking up a storm. It's funny what they remember from certain situations and the silly little things they notice.

I was getting these crazy monkeys dressed on Monday to go meet the pre-school director of the summer camp I enrolled them in. So, of course, they have to look like strapping handsome little boys. Brandon was all dressed down to his shoes. I was dressing Connor when Brandon waltzed into their bedroom and announced the following...and I QUOTE...


Cue sweet Brandon smile and look of accomplishment.

First I commended him for his use of words, but then I said OH NO YOU DIDN'T BUDDY.

He grabbed my travel mug that was full of coffee, I guess he tried to take a sip, and proceeded to dump half of the contents all over his clean shirt and shorts. Sigh... Thankfully, I put a good amount of milk in my coffee so it wasn't super hot. Note to self, the boys can officially reach anything on the kitchen table to matter where it's placed.

Gotta love 2 year olds!

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