Monday, February 20, 2012

LOOOOONG time, no blog!

Blogging has been put on the back shelf ever since Facebook made it almost effortless to keep in contact with my family and friends. However, Lent is on the horizon and it's time to sacrifice. I've sacrificed soda a few times, and even desserts. This year, it's Facebook.

My good friend, Susie, put Lent and the whole idea of "sacrifice" in perspective for me. Susie and I met through St Patrick's Mother's Day Out program about 4 years ago. Fr Mike, who still presides at St Pat's, told her that Lent isn't necessarily about sacrificing. It's more about taking things out of your life that keep you from remaining close to God. What keeps you from praying or what keeps you from doing whatever you do to remain close to your own personal higher power?

For me, I can easily spend as much time reflecting, thinking about my loved ones, and being a more attentive mom as I do on Facebook.

When I posted on Facebook that I was going "offline" until Easter, some friends were honestly sad because they like to read my posts. I do have some super funny kids and have a witty personality that I love to share. So, I decided to go back to blogging instead. What's the difference between blogging and Facebooking, you ask? Facebook is all about EVERYONE. Blogging is only about me and my family.

So, keep coming back to this blog to see what the Dankos are up to for the next 40 days. Who knows, maybe I'll go longer than that 40 days. Guess we'll just have to wait until Easter to find out!

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