Zack is feeling better today so he made it out to the house around 8 this morning. He sounded a little sick still, but he said he was much better.
They finished the siding on the one side of the house and took down the old part of the roof. Since the new roof meets up with the existing roof at a different angle, the attic vent doesn't match up anymore. We're trying to decide if we want to leave it as it, or take the vent down and do some different ventilation for the roof. I'm going to talk to Ryan about it tomorrow and see what the cost is....sigh

Here's the side now...meshed pretty well...I think. It's almost hard to remember what it used to look like already! The insulation is sitting in the addition just waiting to be put up. Brinks is coming out tomorrow morning to move the alarm sensor from the existing door to the deck to the sliding door that leads out to the deck in the addition. My mom is coming for a visit the Thursday before Mother's day and is staying with me until the following Tuesday. Brandon is having that hearing test done and I'm not sure what to expect. She's going to be here to help me with Connor and hopefully she'll be able to enjoy the new room with long as it's finished in two weeks.
I meant to get a picture of the saw horse Zack and James set up today....I'll get one tomorrow. They are "redneck" for sure! We all had a good laugh about it.
The boys and I went on a walk with Bettina and saw this beautiful rainbow! We had some really funky clouds and sprinkles today. This dark cloud came out at the top of our neighborhood and it started misting, so we walked a little faster towards the house and it was bright and sun shiney again. It's a beautiful rainbow nontheless!
They finished the siding on the one side of the house and took down the old part of the roof. Since the new roof meets up with the existing roof at a different angle, the attic vent doesn't match up anymore. We're trying to decide if we want to leave it as it, or take the vent down and do some different ventilation for the roof. I'm going to talk to Ryan about it tomorrow and see what the cost is....sigh

I meant to get a picture of the saw horse Zack and James set up today....I'll get one tomorrow. They are "redneck" for sure! We all had a good laugh about it.

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