Here's my little man sportin' the front facing car seat!!!!
Brandon had a checkup today with the ENT doc. They didn't perform a hearing test on him, but we discussed the results of his last hearing test in February. We're going to do an ABR test on him which stands for Auditory Brainstem Response. The ABR test is reliable, objective, noninvasive and painless. Brain wave activity in the auditory centers of the brain is recorded in response to a series of clicks presented to each ear. Thus, the ABR test indirectly estimates the level of hearing in the peripheral auditory system (middle ear and inner ear). I'm going to have to sleep deprive him and then get him to stay still for about an hour...YEAH RIGHT! The next step would be to sedate him, but I really don't think his hearing issues are serious enough to go to that extreme. I figure this is worth a try. I want the test done to keep his hearing issues documented in case his speech starts to become an issue. As long as he's followed, continues to barely pass hearing tests, and doesn't show much improvement, we should be able to get the speech therapy without any problems. My neighbor, Celeste, stayed with Connor at the house while B and I went to this appointment. It was really weird to only have one child!!!! I'm always amazed at what it's like to have just one, but I wouldn't trade my twins for anything!!!!

1 comment:
Why is it that turning a kid around to face front makes them look so much bigger!
Way to go B!
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