Since the contractors had to take down part of our fence, Jade and Rena can't run free all day anymore. Rena, aka The Back Yard Guard, has spent the last 3 years chasing every single squirrel out of her territory. Now that they are in the house/garage all day, the squirrels are getting very ballsy! I found this one chillin on the deck yesterday. We've been living here for 4 years and I've NEVER seen one make it past Rena to get up on the deck. They will be in for a rude awakening in a few weeks when this addition is complete!
Wall #1 up!
Wall #2 UP...this hole will be a sliding door to the deck.
A view from where the archway into the house will be...wall #1
Wall the deck
Wall #3 from inside the addition

From the woods...those two big hole will be big picture windows

It's really coming along. The boys wouldn't take a morning nap with all of the banging going on. Pray for my sanity's being tested!

1 comment:
Wow, Kate!! It's really starting to come together! I can only imagine how anxious you are to have it done. Not only to let the dogs roam outside and give the boys their naps back, but to have a dust free house! I know all of that dust would drive me nuts. But, I tend to be on the anal side!!
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