Today was a very busy day. The boys went to Mother's Day Out, I went to the gym, Hobby Lobby, Quiznos, mall to return some clothes, post office, grocery store, and finally back to church to get the boys. They didn't nap while they were there and Brandon was crabby the whole time...sigh. I came home only to realize that the contractors had NOT COME!!! ARG! I purposely leave the house every Tuesday and Friday with the hopes that they will come and work while I'm gone. I even told them that. Instead, they came for about 2 hours, did a little insulation on the ceiling and left again. My friend Trish called and told me to turn on Rachel Ray. She was making a recipe that included mac & cheese and Trish knows my weaknesses!!!!! Since the boys woke up early from their nap, we took another trip to the grocery store to pick up the ingredients. Check out the pictures below....
Deana, one of my co workers, picked up some pottery for me today and dropped it off on her way home. Her daughter, Katie, scooped up the boys and started playing with them. I think they were a little overwhelmed, but they all had fun.

Brandon cried pretty much all day. I think he's finally getting some more teeth..he only has 2 right now. He WASN'T crying while he played with the I let him!

Baby feet...

Baby butt...

Trying to get out...

HERE I AM MOMMY!!!! He's actually smiling.
This is part of the recipe I made tonight...and it was YUMMY!!!
I made Rachel Ray's
Florentine Mac and Cheese and Roast Chicken Sausage Meatballs.The other recipe she made was a ribbon salad. The ribbons were made of squash and zucchini, topped with grape tomatoes and home made balsamic vinaigrette. Now, this is the first time I have ever made a vinaigrette, and it had too much dijon mustard in it. That's ok...I'm learning!

This was the whole meal...and it was delicious and easy. The boys loved it! I feel so lucky that my kiddos eat spinach and all the other crazy stuff I give them. The only change I would make would be to add a tbsp of tomato sauce on each meat ball, cut the amount of spinach in half, and hold off a little on the dijon mustard. I couldn't put egg in it because of B's allergy, and I think that would make a difference. Becky and Matilda came over and ate with us and then we all went on a walk. We came home, the boys got their tubby (bath), they had a little bit of milk, I brushed their teeth, read them each a book, put them in bed with a kiss and walked out the door directly onto my couch where I laid and relaxed for the next hour.
This is a picture of the plate I like to make for each of my friends when they get married. I think I've made 5 or 6 of these. Renee is a co worker of mine and has helped me out with the boys...she loves them like they are her own. Her wedding shower is tomorrow and I'm not sure if I'll be able to make her wedding, so it was important to me that I go and present her with her plate. I hope she likes it!

Now that it's 1130, I'm finally going to bed. It's been a crazy day, but tomorrow is going to be even crazier. I have the wedding shower to go to and thankfully Bettina is going to hang with the kiddos so I can go, then we're heading to Lillington to Reese's "1 year anniversary home from the NICU" party, and then finally we're going to swing by Theresa's house to celebrate her birthday since her hubby is at airborne school. Whew...big day! I'm looking forward to Sunday...a chill day!