Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's hard to be 2

It's so hard to be 2. Is it too much to ask for one brother to stand still so the other brother can put a hat on his head....apparently the answer is yes!


The Wietholder's said...

oh the poor baby...I tried not to laugh but when I heard you laughing it was over. I love seeing that Lucas isn't the only 2 year old with a mini breakdown over nothing.

Danko Grandparents said...

This is one for America's Funniest Home Videos!!!!!!!
Sure to win.

Heather @ HouseofShine.com said...

Ahhh...looks like a scene from the Snow house but replace poor Brandon with any of Lily's dolls, the cats, or anything else that doesn't seem to be behaving in the way Lily would like it to.

Jeff, Jayne, Zach and TJ said...

This is absolutely my favorite video of the month! I didn't even try and hold back the laugh. Once you're through with this phase it's so much funnier to watch. God bless you Kate!