Thursday, April 2, 2009

Brandon "HEARTS" Rena

The boys love Jade and Rena, but I think Rena and Brandon have a very special bond. They love to have her up on the deck with them while they play and get upset when she runs in the house and behind the couch. They are very gentle and loving towards her, and she is very complacent in return. Here are some cute pictures Eric took of Brandon and her buddy while Connor was still in the tub.

"This is my dog, Rena"
"I like to give her kisses"
" and lots of hugs"
"I LOVE YOU RENA" Poor Rena started to choke a little due to OVER HUGGING. She's so good with the boys. Jade is good wqith them too, she's just very high strung and can be a little too excited for them. Plus, she weighs 70 pounds and can knock them over with her tail!!!

Here are a few cute videos Eric took of the boys the other day...

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