#1 - Brandon had his second set of tubes put in on Friday was well as an adenoidectomy. His recovery has been uneventful, but he has needed a lot of extra hugs and love. He is such a strong little boy!
#2 - During his surgery on Friday, I was battling a stomach virus. I even took myself to the doctor because my stomach pains were unbelievable! I made it through my c-section recovery with only 2 pain pills, but whatever virus I got knocked me down...hard.
#3 - When Connor got up from his nap on Friday, I dragged myself into his room only to have him say, "mommy, Connor shrow up in bed" Oh boy! I'm barely alive myself trying to clean him up and everything he "shrew up" on and trying not to get sick myself.
I spent the weekend recovering. Thank goodness no one else got sick. Eric came home not feeling well, but was able to sleep it off. I'm super glad Brandon didn't get it because that could have made his recovery really hard!!!
Anyway, those are my excuses and every one of them is valid! Without further ado, here are some pics from our fun trip to Myrtle Beach.

We had a great time at the beach with our friends from Ft. Drum New York. They have 5 year old triplets and a 15 month old. I tell you what, those kids are the sweetest most well behaved 5 year olds I've ever been around...and there are THREE OF THEM! They were very sweet to their baby sister and included my boys in their games and toys...even their NEW ones the Easter Bunny brought them. It was a great time! Eric and I need to be better about getting a family picture. We didn't get one the whole time we were there. Oh well, that just means we need to go to the beach more often.
The boys had a developmental appointment last week. They are both testing at the 23-25 month level and they are almost 27 months old. Once premies hit the age of 2, their age is no longer adjusted. What Connor tested high on, Brandon tested on the lower end of the spectrum and vice versa. Once they warmed up, they showed off their knowledge of shapes, colors, climbing, throwing/catching, and much more. We're pretty sure Brandon is going to end up a lefty...man can he really throw a ball with that left hand...and straight! Baseball is most likely in his immediate future. Connor can count to 6 and Brandon can count to 4, misses 5 and 6 but knows 7 comes after 6. Brandon's vocabulary and verbal skills are higher than Connor's now. I'm sure it's due to his Speech Therapy. What a blessing it was to get approved for that!!! His hearing problems early on are definitely a thing of the past. Since they are doing do well, they won't be going back until they turn 3 years old.
We are heading to Florence this weekend to spend some time with my (Kate's) side of the family. Bridget will be in town from Maryland and Ann will be driving in from Indy. I can't wait to spend time with my sisters and parents. The boys are so much fun, and generally well behaved that it's ashame we are so far away from each other. Maybe the military will move us back to KY in 2 years...fingers crossed.
Now that I'm all caught up, I'm going to head back to the couch to relax a little bit. 2 year olds are way more exhausting than newborns. I need to make a better effort of taking some time out for myself. I never seem to stop, and I can't let it get me down. There's nothing wrong with sitting on the couch, cuddled up with the hubby, and catching up on DVRd shows!
you are absolutely right...there is nothing wrong with relaxing on the couch with the hubby and some good tv or a good book for that matter. The pics are way cute...I miss Myrtle Beach! Wait...I miss the beach period!!!
How long will you be in Florence?
We are coming into town on the 5th...
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