Friday, July 18, 2008

Silly Boys

Our boys are funny kids all the way to the bone. No idea where they get THAT from...

We've been working on utensils lately, and they are doing really well! Connor has started trying to poke his own food with his fork. Brandon dipped his spoon in his applesauce tonight and put it in his mouth. They had pizza for the first time tonight and liked it! When they eat all of their dinner, I give them a chocolate mini eggless muffin and B loves them...Connor not so much. Last night, Brandon reached over to Connor's side of the table and stole half of his muffin with out him noticing....sneaky sneaky.

After a trip to hh gregg to finalize the purchase of a new fridge...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME...we came home for a bath and gel time. B's hair goes into a mohawk really are some pics

Connor's isn't long enough, but I tried anyway.

1 comment:

The Wietholder's said...

yeah on the new fridge!!! I bet you are super have wanted one for a while. will the old one go in the garage??