I've been calling Brandon my WILD MAN lately...and not only due to his personality...baby has some crazy hair! He has 2 cowlicks that grow in different directions so we either have to keep his hair on the longer side or buzz it. I don't want either of the boys to have buzzes. I see too much of that here in soldier land. Eric was off today, so we took them to a kids hair cut place. Note to self...don't attempt this again around nap time!
Please note Brandon's hair...long...
She started cutting it stuck up even WORSE...buzz it was
She buzzed the sides, but not too short and trimmed the top with scissors. I wasn't too wild about it at first, but it's growing on me. His hair has been on the longer side for a few months now, and I'm just not used to seeing him look like a little soldier...hahaha. Yes he cried throughout most of it.
Connor started SCREAMING the minute I put him in his air plane chair. Once again, do not attempt hair cuts around nap time.
Even though he cried through most of it, he sat still and let her do her job.
Look at those tears!
I took a few more pictures after their bath tonight. I still shock myself a little when I look at B's hair.
I put gel in it for the full effect. I think I'll like it even more once it grows out a little.

Eric has a 3 am jump tomorrow and he wanted to hit the sack right after dinner. I took the boys to the mall in search of a formal dress for the battalion formal coming up in September. I found one that MIGHT work, but I have one more formal store I want to go to first. I've bought my last 2 formals at Kristinas and they are so nice there. They were very helpful when I needed a dress just a few short weeks after the babies were born. "Things" weren't quite back to normal and they were very sensitive and encouraging!!!! Wish me luck!
Please note Brandon's hair...long...

Eric has a 3 am jump tomorrow and he wanted to hit the sack right after dinner. I took the boys to the mall in search of a formal dress for the battalion formal coming up in September. I found one that MIGHT work, but I have one more formal store I want to go to first. I've bought my last 2 formals at Kristinas and they are so nice there. They were very helpful when I needed a dress just a few short weeks after the babies were born. "Things" weren't quite back to normal and they were very sensitive and encouraging!!!! Wish me luck!
I love their hair!!!!! It doesn't look like a military buzz cutt at all.
Hugs and kisses to them!!!
Ditto!! Not tooo military at all.
You boys are CUTE no matter what hair style you get!!!!!
Grandma and Grandpap
They are so cute Kate! I love their hair cuts, though they do look more like little boys now. I hope we can see each other soon - here, there, or anywhere :)
Love the spiky hair!! So cute!!
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