Alexa emailed us a few pictures from the they are..

Saturday, Eric's parents were in town for a few hours to see the boys. After they left and after we had dinner, we hit Sams. Now that we are counting down the days to Eric coming home, I've started stocking up on food. I also picked up some pictures I uploaded online and got their scrapbooks complete through the month of June. WOO HOO!!!
This morning, a friend of mine and fellow dental spouse came over with her 2 girls and we played for about 2 hours. We blew bubbles and played with just about every toy we own!!!! The boys had a blast and took a ROCKIN' long morning nap. After lunch we went to Lowes to pick up some things while the Military Discount was still going on!
When we got back, I gave the boys a snack and put them in the family room to play while I cleaned up the kitchen and talked to my sister on the phone. All of a sudden, I heard serious screaming and found this...

When nap time came around, I handed out the pacies and Connor crawled up to snuggle with me for a little while. I hear more screaming coming from the bedroom...

After their nap, I made them some burgers on the grill, mac & cheese, and kiwi. My kids polished off an entire box of Kraft Organic Mac & Cheese. I admit, I stole a few bites, but they ate 95% of it. They are men after my own heart! Little piggies.
The new "thing" to do it carry/drag their toys/blankies around. I think it's really cute. They pull the blankies out of the crib when they start to get tired. I was getting B dressed, well attempting to, and Connor started walking around with his "bb" I guess it makes them look like babies to me and not the big boys they are becoming :(

Speaking of B. He earned a time out tonight for the first time in a long time. He likes to smack me in my face sometimes. I know he doesn't understand the difference in smacking my hand when I say "give me a high five" and smacking my face, but they have to learn at some point, right? I had to put the time out chair in Eric's office because they were fighting over it earlier in the day. So, I just strapped him in, closed the door and proceeded to change Connor's diaper in their room which is right next door. In that very small amount of time, he managed to do this...
He crawled around while still strapped into the chair, managed to open the scrapbook organizer box I have, dump out the stickers, and find the PERMANENT SHARPIE. My camera battery died while I was recording so that's why the video is kind of short. I tell ya, these boys keep me on my toes now more than ever. There are days that I chase them and don't even sit down until 11 at night. I'm lovin' every minute of it, and I know Eric will too.
In regards to him, I'm not going to post what day he should be home, but it's less than the total number of fingers and toes I have...let's put it that way! For those of you who know what day our anniversary is...we should be able to celebrate it TOGETHER this year!
1 comment:
Awesome, Kate! The boys are so adorable and they look like so much fun!! Happy Anniversary and reunion all in one!!
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