Brandon was SO nice to share his cold with Connor. He started the coughing, gagging, and wheezing today...YAY FOR ME! Needless to say, I have a bunch of meds and steroids in my kitchen for these boys. Breathing treatments every 4 hours, oral steroids and antibiotics. We all know the effect antibiotics have on digestive systems...YUCK! Brandon is definitely feeling better. He's still pale and ashy looking, but he's back to being able to take a small bottle and not just pedialyte. After their morning feeding, we all snuggled on the couch to watch the Today show. I managed to sneak off the couch to get the nebulizer ready, and here's what they looked like...poor guys.

A few more days on the nebulizer and other drugs and they should be back to new. I managed to make a piece of chicken, zucchini and squash for dinner instead of another cookie! HA! Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Consider the Danko house quarantined!
Glad to know they are doing better!!
All the prayers must have helped...
Get some rest...this weekend.
So glad they didn't have to be admitted to hospital! Hope they feel better and are soon back to their "shenanigans."
Grandma and Grandpap Danko
I am so happy they are on the mend. Do the sleep sacs help since you don't have to fool with blankets?
G'ma Karen
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