Well, I finally broke down and got the boys a pair of shoes. Trust me, they are the "Walmart Special" because I refuse to spend any money on shoes until they need a good pair for walking. They were just so cute, Grandma Karen and I couldn't resist. The boys didn't seem to mind them either!

You can't really tell in this picture, but Connor grew 3 pounds while I was in Kentucky. I don't know what happened, but he hit a major growth spurt. All of his "9 month" clothes don't fit anymore. I bought him all new onesies and some jammies in the Carters size 9 right before we left, and none of them fit him. It's amazing! I haven't changed anything about his feeding. He's still getting 6 oz 5 times a day with a small scoop of rice cereal in it to thicken it up to keep the spitting up to a minimum....he's been eating that much ever since Eric left and that was 3 months ago. I weighed myself, then weighed him and he's 21 pounds! Brandon was 14 pounds when we left and is 16 now. UNREAL! I bought Connor 12 month size onesies and actually pulled out some jammies that were given to us in the 12 month size. They are being washed now, and I'll try them on him tomorrow. Brandon is into the 6-9 month size now...perfect...he's 7 months so he's at least gaining up on Connor. I'm going to be purchasing a new car seat for Connor probably next week. I'm pretty sure I know what I want, I just want to spend plenty of time shopping for the best price. Brandon is still scrawny enough that he can fit in his Graco for now.
Connor is getting really strong too. He's sitting up for short periods of time by himself. I really think the Baby Bumbo seat helped him! Brandon sits in it a little each day too, but gets mad after a few minutes...he's just not as strong as Connor. They are definitely growing.
Shout out to Eric for helping his "blond" wife download this picture for you all!!!
they are way too cute!!
Lucas getting ready for 12 month clothes...let me know where you are finding 12 month pjs and cute stuff...I need to get some!!
hugs and kisses
Trish and Lucas
way to go Connor with sitting up
Get used to the growth spurts, Kate. The girls are still doing that to us! One day their jeans fit, the next they're 2 inches too short and so tight Emi looks like she has a badonkadonk butt!! Ha ha ha!! They're so much fun!!
Love the pictures of the smiling boys! They are just precious!!
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