People always ask...Are your boys always this happy? YES THEY ARE! We have so much fun together all day long. We read books, goof off, sleep, eat, play peek a boo, and have at least 1 giggle fest. We do certain exercises each day to work on their physical abilities as well as their developmental abilities. There are days that I feel alone and bored because I do the exact same thing everyday...pretty much. But then I look at these guys and think about how much fun we have and how much fun it will be when Eric comes home, that I forget about my woes! I don't regret for one minute that I'm a stay at home mom. I finished my degree, helped Eric get through dental school, got comfortable with the Army life and now it's time to share our love with someone else! I look forward to them walking, talking, telling me about their days, school trips and family vacations. So much fun is ahead!
From time to time, one might cry, but there's usually a reason for it. A finger pulling an ear, foot stomping a head, gas or sleepiness are the usual reasons for crying. Brandon was the only one who cried at all today, but I think it's because of his rash. Once it clears up in one place, it pops back up in another. We're heading back to the doctor tomorrow to have her look at it. It's really bad around his mouth, but I can't put the cream there. I got out my Lansinoh cream I used while pumping since it's 100% natural and safe and put some on him tonight. He cried...HARD for about 30 minutes before he just ended up falling asleep. I gave him some Motrin though...maybe it finally kicked in for him. We went on our evening walk and he was fine until he fell asleep. Poor little guy.
Connor fell asleep on Mr. Elephant
Brandon fell asleep with his butt in the air...SO CUTE!
From time to time, one might cry, but there's usually a reason for it. A finger pulling an ear, foot stomping a head, gas or sleepiness are the usual reasons for crying. Brandon was the only one who cried at all today, but I think it's because of his rash. Once it clears up in one place, it pops back up in another. We're heading back to the doctor tomorrow to have her look at it. It's really bad around his mouth, but I can't put the cream there. I got out my Lansinoh cream I used while pumping since it's 100% natural and safe and put some on him tonight. He cried...HARD for about 30 minutes before he just ended up falling asleep. I gave him some Motrin though...maybe it finally kicked in for him. We went on our evening walk and he was fine until he fell asleep. Poor little guy.

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