I couldn't wait any longer to post the results to the Guess The Danko game. I thought it was interesting that everyone who posted a comment guessed the exact same answers. Well guess what...EVERYONE WAS WRONG!!!!!! The first one was Connor and the second one was Brandon. I can't believe we tricked everybody. We told the boys and here is what they had to say...
WE TRICKED YOU!!!!! The boys are smiling more and more and we love to see it. Brandon is still being colicky in the evening, but I think we're managing it better now. I bought some Gripewater at the organic food store that has Fennel in it. It's supposed to settle their little tummies. We haven't tried it yet, but have it on hand just in case.
Oh yeah..in the midst of one of Brandon's crying fests, he rolled over in his crib for the first time on Wednesday. He'll roll over from his tummy to his back with no problem whatsoever! He did it 2 more times on Thursday as well. He seems to only do it when he's crying, but it still counts.

WE TRICKED YOU!!!!! The boys are smiling more and more and we love to see it. Brandon is still being colicky in the evening, but I think we're managing it better now. I bought some Gripewater at the organic food store that has Fennel in it. It's supposed to settle their little tummies. We haven't tried it yet, but have it on hand just in case.
Oh yeah..in the midst of one of Brandon's crying fests, he rolled over in his crib for the first time on Wednesday. He'll roll over from his tummy to his back with no problem whatsoever! He did it 2 more times on Thursday as well. He seems to only do it when he's crying, but it still counts.
You did get us all good!!! Just because we all failed miserably doesn't mean we don't love those cutie-patooties! Smoochies all around
Love those baby smiles!!!
G'ma Karen
Which one is which?
Oh my! You did fool us! Doesn't matter because we love looking at those precious baby faces :)
D'oh!!! I was so certain. Well, you tricksters! Now you can't be so surprised everyone thinks they're identical, huh? LOL!
Okay, I have to admit that I thought Connor was on top with Brandon on the bottom because of the eyes, but I was too chicken to post it since everyone else was saying the opposite. Next time, I'll be brave!
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