The boys are really starting to smile at us and their toys. Connor was smiling at the home health nurse today and actually laughing at himself! It was SOOO cute. He'll open his mouth really wide, squint his eyes and laugh. I love it when they are in a good mood!!!!! We're still trying to really capture Connor's smile...this isn't the best one, but he's still a cutie pie

Brandon hasn't smiled much lately due to his fussiness. So whenever he does smile, it makes us breathe a sigh of relief. We think his medication for reflux is what's making him fuss. We're weening him off of it to see if he has outgrown the reflux and stops being fussy.

Brandon hasn't smiled much lately due to his fussiness. So whenever he does smile, it makes us breathe a sigh of relief. We think his medication for reflux is what's making him fuss. We're weening him off of it to see if he has outgrown the reflux and stops being fussy.

We love baby smiles
G'ma KT
I have never seen babies smile so much. It is adorable!
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