The fact that the boys scoot towards each other every night, never gets old! I mean look at their heads...they are SMOOSHED together! We love to look at them after their naps and in the morning...they are SO cute towards each other. I put them on their floor gym together and it looks like they hold hands sometimes. I know they aren't really holding hands, but I like to think they are.

Brandon is doing MUCH better! He still fusses at his 10 pm feeding, but at least it's not ALL feedings. I think he fusses then only because he's tired. We took him off breast milk and the Neosure (preemie high calorie formula) and put him on Enfacare. Enfacare is the Enfamil version of preemie high calorie formula. He used to spew out of his mouth and nose at least every other day, and he hasn't done it since we switched! He rarely spits up at all, eats his normal 4 oz, and seems happy after he's finished. He had a slight ear infection and that looks much better since he's been on the antibiotics. When the nurse weighed him this morning, he gained 6 oz since Friday. He was OBVIOUSLY hungry! Thank goodness for Mother's Instinct!! We're going to add breast milk back in soon and see how he does. I think his problem was a combination of the Neosure and the slight ear infection he had. If we add the breast milk back in and he starts getting mad and throwing up again, then we know the problem is my breast milk. It's good to have a happy baby again...happy baby = happy mommy!
Connor is doing well. Fat and happy!!!
I'm glad Brandon is doing better. What a relief I know! I was just wondering, is Conner on the left and Brandon on the right in the bottom picture? I thought I had it right before, and I was wrong!
I LOVE the picture of them sleeping in the crib! That is so sweet!! Show this to them when they're 5 and picking on each other!! I am so glad to hear Brandon is doing well!
Happy to hear you and Brandon are getting a little relief! Our door is always open to you in Durham! I hope your able to get an apt at Duke soon.
Yeah for the babies!! Check out my page b/c I tagged you!!!
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