The boys are officially 2 of 4:54 am. Eric and I were talking on the phone last night about how hard it is to believe that they are 2 already, how much fun they bring to our family, how we would love to have more in a few years, and how plain awesome they are!!! I think we have pretty cool kids and wouldn't trade them for anything. All the tears, from them and from me, colic, NICU, lack of sleep, breast pumps, 2 times EVERYTHING, ER trips, ear infections, food allergies, diapers, doctors appointments..all of it...I wouldn't give it back in a million years! Love you boys and hope you have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Brandon Michael...3 lbs 10 oz 16 1/2 inches long...born 8 1 2/ weeks early...

Connor Arden...4 lbs 1 oz 16 1/2 inches long...born 8 1/2 weeks early

Brandon on his 1st birthday

Connor on his first birthday

The boys now!
I couldn't get in the doctor for their 2 year old check up until mid-February. I'll update everyone on their "stats" later!
I loved being there for the first 6 months of your life...hopefully I will see you soon!
LOVE Aunt Trish and your buddy Lucas
Brandon and Connor:
We wish you both a very Happy 2nd Birthday!!!Thank you for all the funny vidoes and pictures too! You guys are too much and WE LOVE YOU! Keep up ALL the SHENANIGANS!
Grandma and Grandpap Danko
Happy Birthday Brandon and Connor!!!
And happy 2 years to you as a Mommy!
Happy Birthday, guys!!
Jason and Kelli
Happy birthday to your boys! Can't believe how big they have gotten and how much they have changed. I am continually amazed at your creativity with food and other things. I am jealous:)
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