The boys seem to get bigger and bigger every day! Yesterday they officially became 18 month olds!!! Connor is going through a phase right now. I'm not sure what to call the phase, but he wants to be held or cuddled all the time and goes from laughing and being silly to crying that then turns into a dramatic scream. I find myself trying to get them to say more and more because I think most of Connor's issues are lack of communication. He chilled with Daddy on the love seat for most of the evening. We are without air again so it's almost unbearable to be in the house. The new unit is being installed and is a 2 day job. It should be complete this afternoon around 3 or so...THANK GOODNESS!!!! We went out to eat last night, which we rarely do because of B's allergies, but I couldn't take the heat anymore. We went to Golden Corral and the boys chowed on some rotisserie chicken, brussels, broccoli, pears, and ham. It's easier to go somewhere that we don't have to order and wait for food.
Connor chilling with the daddy
I couldn't leave today since the workers are here and constantly in and out of the house. So, I pulled out the kiddie card table my best friend's mom bought the boys for their baby shower. I bought some Color Wonder markers and paper at Target last night, and decided to have craft morning with the kiddos. They actually loved it! Connor can get in and out of his chair by himself, but B needs a little help. He almost took a nose dive off the edge of the chair...fearless little booger!
After we colored, I got out some puzzles. Usually, they throw the puzzle pieces, but when I put the on their little table, they played with them in the purpose attended.

As I was typing this, one of the A/C guys knocked on the door with a rodent in his hands. I immediately thought we had a rodent infestation problem, but that's not the case. Apparently, we have a momma opossum and babies living under our mustang trailer. She ran across the back yard and dropped this little guy right by the workers.
He may look cute, but his feet are freaky looking. Not only that, but I know opossums are sick when they come out during the day....since they are nocturnal animals. That gave me the heeby geebies a little bit...yeeck.

I couldn't leave today since the workers are here and constantly in and out of the house. So, I pulled out the kiddie card table my best friend's mom bought the boys for their baby shower. I bought some Color Wonder markers and paper at Target last night, and decided to have craft morning with the kiddos. They actually loved it! Connor can get in and out of his chair by himself, but B needs a little help. He almost took a nose dive off the edge of the chair...fearless little booger!

As I was typing this, one of the A/C guys knocked on the door with a rodent in his hands. I immediately thought we had a rodent infestation problem, but that's not the case. Apparently, we have a momma opossum and babies living under our mustang trailer. She ran across the back yard and dropped this little guy right by the workers.

He may look cute, but his feet are freaky looking. Not only that, but I know opossums are sick when they come out during the day....since they are nocturnal animals. That gave me the heeby geebies a little bit...yeeck.