This is the third edition of GUESS THE DANKO, but it's also a little on the blackmailing side. If you are easily offended by bare baby bottoms, don't look down! You know how to play the game...guess the Danko by leaving a comment, but don't cheat to see what other people think!

Mohawk Brandon!

Connor's hair didn't go into a mohawk very well. Instead, he decided to see how far he could get his body wash container into his mouth!

Connor's hair didn't go into a mohawk very well. Instead, he decided to see how far he could get his body wash container into his mouth!
Grandma says Brandon on top and Connor on bottom!
Grandpap says Connor on top and Brandon on bottom!
I say Connor on top & Brandon on the bottom.
Oops - I typed mine backwards & it won't let me correct it. I think Brandon is the littler butt (top) and Connor is the bottom.
Connor on top...brandon on bottom
Love the baby bottom!!
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