Monday, October 8, 2007

Connor makes 2

I'm glad I had Connor with me this morning at Brandon's recheck because he, too, has an ear infection. The doc assured me that they will be coming in regularly for little things like this because of being a preemie and flu season. Still no word on whether their RSV vaccination will be covered...I hope so! They put in a referral for Brandon to see an ENT specialist. Hopefully that will get approved and we can get some tubes in his ears before the end of the year. Connor is also on some antibiotics now and we'll be going back to have them both checked again next Wednesday. Brandon's blood culture came back negative which is good. That means there's no other infection brewing somewhere else. She said his ear is definitely looking better. Connor is a hefty 21 pounds and Brandon finally hit 16 pounds! YAY!


The Wietholder's said...

you have your hands full...hope the boys start feeling better.

Connor has officially caught up with of Thursday of last week Lucas was 21 lbs!!!

The Harveys said...

The doc forgot one other thing: they're brothers and brothers share EVERYTHING!

Love the pix of the boys wrestling! So cute!!