My good friend Lori, who has the triplets consisting of 2 boys and a girl, told me that her boys always love to "play wrestle." It's not usually anything violent or mean, but just boys being boys. I decided to feed the boys naked the other night since most of it ends up on them anyway. Afterwards, I sat them next to each other to snap a few shots for Eric and a mini wrestling match transpired.
Nice full bellies!
Connor - I GOT YOU're mine
Look Mommy...I GOT BRANDON!!!!
Brandon - Mommy..why does he always insist on grabbing my ear...of course he grabs the one with the infection in it.
Connor woke up from his nap with a 101.1 temperature, rosy cheeks, and he was pulling on his ears. Motrin tackled the temperature, and I hope these are just teething symptoms and nothing more. We're going back to the doctor tomorrow to have B's ears rechecked, and I think I'm going to have her check Connor's too...might as well!

Connor woke up from his nap with a 101.1 temperature, rosy cheeks, and he was pulling on his ears. Motrin tackled the temperature, and I hope these are just teething symptoms and nothing more. We're going back to the doctor tomorrow to have B's ears rechecked, and I think I'm going to have her check Connor's too...might as well!
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