Dad, the boys and I made it to Kentucky safe and sound on Saturday at about 530. We left Fayetteville at 315 am, and only made 4 stops...3 to feed the boys and 1 last one to give them time out of their car seats. I thought it would take a lot longer than 14 hours, but the boys really surprised me. The last 2 hours were a little rough because one of them was fussing the whole time. We spent the rest of the evening relaxing and unloading all of their crap from my car. Today, we took them to church for the first time since their baptism and they did really well. Mom and I ran a few errands to pick up some things for the boys while Dad was on 100% Grandpa duty! There was a little fussing going on from time to time, but they were both still tired from the long trip. We all took naps from about 230 to 5, fed the boys, I took them on a run, then we ate dinner. While we ate, we decided to put Connor in the high chair my mom has. This particular high chair was from when my grandfather, my mom's dad, was a baby. So it's been around for at least 80 something years. We had to stuff pillows on either side of Connor to help him sit up a little, but he really enjoyed it. The chair also collapses down into a's really cool! We'll put Brandon in it one of these days, but he's not as strong with sitting up as Connor is.
We don't have too many plans for the rest of the week. We'll be heading to Indy to see Ann, Gabe, & Noah on Thursday during their afternoon nap, but other than that...we're just going to chill. I'm still exhausted from the drive yesterday and the two days that it took me to pack. I hope to get caught up on my sleep tomorrow. We might try to go meet Grandma Karen at the office for lunch.

We don't have too many plans for the rest of the week. We'll be heading to Indy to see Ann, Gabe, & Noah on Thursday during their afternoon nap, but other than that...we're just going to chill. I'm still exhausted from the drive yesterday and the two days that it took me to pack. I hope to get caught up on my sleep tomorrow. We might try to go meet Grandma Karen at the office for lunch.
Glad you made it there without much trouble from the boys! I hope you all have a great month in KY! Do you parents still live in the same house as when we were in school?
Welcome home Kate! We're really excited that we might get to visit during your Indy stay :)
I love the "soundtrack" in the back to your little movie. Makes it that much funnier. Although, a baby flying up behind a high chair is funny enough on its own!!!hehehehe
They are soo darn cute! I can't wait to see them and finally meet Connor! :)
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