I was cleaning up all the pictures on the computer and putting them in their respective folders, when I came across all the pictures we took of the boys while they were in the NICU. It's hard to believe they were ever that small and even harder to believe how "sickly" they looked compared to how healthy and happy they look now. I just wanted to give one more big THANK YOU to all of the nurses and staff...I know they check the blog from time to time! The boys wouldn't be where they are today if it weren't for them. Also, and big thanks to all of our friends and family who were there for us for those very rough few months. That's what family is for. You know, you never think you'll say...I can't believe how big they are and how much I miss when they were littler...until you become a mom!
Brandon...to small to wear clothes...
at his worst...
now look at him!!!
Connor at his maddest and smallest...
now look at him!

What a wonderful tribute! I thank the hospital staff from the bottom of my heart.
G'ma Karen
They have come a long way. Truly amazing. I can't wait to see them in a few weeks. I enjoy their pictures and your stories. Keep them coming.
Aunt Joyce
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