I decided the other day, that it's time for the boys to start on rice cereal once a day. They've been getting a little cereal in their bottles to thicken it up because of their reflux, but they haven't had it in actual cereal form. I stripped them down to their diapers and put bibs and them, not knowing what to expect. Overall, they did really well with it. Brandon kept more of it in his mouth than Connor did! They aren't quite strong enough to sit up, so I just fed them in their bouncy seats. I know I don't have room for two high chairs, but I haven't decided what kind of booster seats I want to get for them just yet. I classify their first attempt a SUCCESS.
I loved this picture! Perfect "Connor" face!

That pesky tongue
Brandon wasn't very happy while I was trying to feed him. I think he was STARVING and didn't much care for me sticking a spoon in his mouth. Instead, he shoved his fingers in there which made a bigger mess!
Doesn't Brandon have the "I've just eaten myself into a comma, loosen my diaper" look??? He starting laughing right after I snapped this!

That pesky tongue

Hey Kate! I used to feed Kenzie in one of those bouncy seats and found them so much better than a high chair (until she was too big for the bouncy, of course!!) They're portable (you can take them into any room of the house) and they store away better!!
The boys (and you) look wonderful. I enjoy seeing the updates on y'all! keep 'em coming!!
Well done, momma! I love their faces!!!
I don't know how you juggle it all - you feed two babies at once, take pictures, and videos! You are the best wife and mom, I really mean that! (I want you to help me a little with my blog page while your here too if you can.)
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