The boys and I went out for a drive today just to get out of the house. It's too hot to spend any time outside, but I hate being locked inside all day. As we were out driving, I stopped by Sonic for an ice cold diet coke, and then the pottery place called to say their tiles were ready. What a perfect time to call! We ran over and picked them up, and I'm very happy with the way they turned out. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with these yet, but I'll probably hang them in their room.

Both boys are doing well. Connor is helping me type this posting while Brandon finishes his little cat nap in his car seat. We took Brandon for a weight check on Tuesday and he is 12 lbs 5 oz now. He gained 14 oz in 2 and a half weeks so I'm officially done worrying about his eating. He just doesn't need to eat as much as Connor. The dr said as long as he seems happy and continues to gain weight, I should just drop the issue. I guess I was being a little overprotective!!! If I didn't have Connor to compare Brandon to, I probably wouldn't think twice about how much he eats. This just goes to show you that parents of multiples cannot compare their kids to each other. They both have very different needs and wants. They definitely keep me on my toes!!!!
Kate - they are even prettier now that they're all fired up!!! It was worth it...even though we made B cry!!
The Craft talent that you have is truly wonderful. Keep it up. You will never regret the creativity.
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