Well, there isn't a lot to update everyone on! The boys are still doing well. They are slowly but surely learning how to eat on their own. It can be frustrating for me at times, but the sucking reflex normally doesn't kick in until 36 weeks gestation, and they are only 34 weeks. Eric left today to head back to KY to do some recruiting for the Army with the dental students at UK, so it's all me this weekend! Unfortunately, I came down with 102 fever last night, so I wasn't able to go see them today. Talk about being BUMMED! I've been calling and checking in on them, and they're doing well...I just really want to cuddle them. I hope to go back tomorrow refreshed and well!
Here's Brandon sleeping so peacefully...wonder if that will continue when they come home?!?!?!?!
He's not quite sure about having his picture taken. He likes to put his hand in front of his face!
Wrapped up like a baby burrito again! This is his "I just nursed and have a full belly" face! Brandon got an eye infection of some kind last weekend, but he's much better now!
Seems like Connor yawns an awful lot! Baby yawns are SO cute!
Here's me washing Connor's hair. He doesn't mind a bath too much, but he does fuss a little when he's completely naked. Once we put his diaper back on, he calms back down.
Fussy pants!!!! Connor's nurse last weekend told me that he has these little "attitude spurts" where he'll fuss pretty loudly for about 2 minutes and then go back to sleep. It's like he's testing them to see if they will come and comfort him or make him work it out himself. He has YET to act like that when I'm there, so I think he knows I'm there and is on his best behavior...at least that's what I WANT to think!
There's no word on when they are coming home...I get asked ALL THE TIME! We will let everyone know as soon as we find out. They have a lot of maturing to do still and need to be able to eat on their own without their feeding tubes. Don't be surprised if they aren't home before mid-March. Although, they could really excel over the next week or 2 and surprise us. They are Dankos...they don't give up and fight for what they want!!!!

There's no word on when they are coming home...I get asked ALL THE TIME! We will let everyone know as soon as we find out. They have a lot of maturing to do still and need to be able to eat on their own without their feeding tubes. Don't be surprised if they aren't home before mid-March. Although, they could really excel over the next week or 2 and surprise us. They are Dankos...they don't give up and fight for what they want!!!!
They are so beautiful! We're praying for their growth and development and a quick homecoming!!
I love to see them with open eyes or open mouths. Tee Hee Tee Hee.
G'ma Karen
Oh my gosh! Kate, they are just so adorable. I'm glad they are both doing well. Having had a preemie I know how scary it can be. The blog is wonderful. I'll keep checking their progress. You look great!
Love Kathleen
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