Well, on Sunday, Brandon was moved from his isolette to a BIG BOY BED!!!!!!! He's getting so strong everyday and gets closer and closer to coming home. He's over his little eye infection and is able to open both eyes now. We got to bathe him for the first time on Sunday night. Here are some of the memories.....
Here he is naked and ALERT before getting weighed in...
Here he is on the scale, but trying to pull the blanket over him...NO NAKED PICTURES MOM!
We were able to completely submerge him because his umbilical cord finally fell off! He didn't mind the bath too much...
Here he is all dried off and diapered up. Believe it or not, that's still a preemie diaper! Doesn't it look big on him?
All snuggly and warm in his big boy bed with Auntie Bri's hat on!
Connor has had some issues with eating this week. They actually put him on a nasal cannula because his O2 saturation kept dropping while eating. This little guy likes to CHUG and then forgets to breathe. He had a bad spell last night and actually turned blue. Talk about scary! That episode is the reason he needs to be in the NICU. Had he been home, we wouldn't have been able to help him through that spell. The neonatologists are going to watch him daily chart his improvements. Dr Cameron reassured me that this is normal for preemies and at 34-35 weeks, they tend to have these issues. Thankfully, Brandon isn't having the same issues and is progressing along well. They are both gaining weight, Connor is up to 4 lbs 15 oz and Brandon is at 4 lbs 3 oz.
Here's Connor stretching out in a warm outfit from Grandma Karen. They both love to stretch and squirm after we un-swaddle them!
One of Connor's sweet little smiles! He smiles the most while he's eating...maybe that's why he forgets to breathe....he's too busy being happy!
Connor chugging away...GO GO GO!!!!

Connor has had some issues with eating this week. They actually put him on a nasal cannula because his O2 saturation kept dropping while eating. This little guy likes to CHUG and then forgets to breathe. He had a bad spell last night and actually turned blue. Talk about scary! That episode is the reason he needs to be in the NICU. Had he been home, we wouldn't have been able to help him through that spell. The neonatologists are going to watch him daily chart his improvements. Dr Cameron reassured me that this is normal for preemies and at 34-35 weeks, they tend to have these issues. Thankfully, Brandon isn't having the same issues and is progressing along well. They are both gaining weight, Connor is up to 4 lbs 15 oz and Brandon is at 4 lbs 3 oz.

Such beautiful perfect babies. We are watching them grow every week and believe in the power of prayer and thanksgiving. G'ma Karen & G'pa Don
They are so beautiful! I know I keep saying that but these pictures display that so well!! We're praying for your little men that God will give them the strength they need to come home soon and to be healthy and strong!
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