This is how it all started...
Monday was a normal day for me. Eric took Rena for a run, and I walked Jade about 1.5 miles. Eric went to work, and I made out our dinner menu for the week and headed to the commissary to do some grocery shopping. After I got all of the groceries put away, I took a short nap on the couch while watching the smut they call "daytime television." I did about 4 loads of laundry, showered, and got dinner in the oven. After Eric and I ate, we headed to the 2nd of 3 birthing classes. I was uncomfortable all during class, but just thought I overdid it during the day. Once we got home, I laid down on the couch to see if my belly loosen up a little. We both crawled into bed about 11, and by 1130 I was on the couch with lower back pain. It took me about 30 minutes to realize these "back pains" were coming and going regularly. I was like..HOLY CRAP...I'M IN LABOR!!!! I counted my contractions for one I was JUST taught in birthing class. After 1 hour, I woke Eric up and said, "Babe...I'm in labor" He came out to the couch with me and helped me count for another 30 minutes. I then called the dr and he told me to drink lots of water, take 800 mg of motrin and if the contractions didn't stop, to head to the hospital. We were on our way by about 2 am after throwing a bag together. I was planning on packing my bag that week! After we finally got parked, got in the labor/delivery triage unit I was already 7 cm dilated. I was immediately prepped for my c-section and headed to the OR. At 454 am, Connor Arden and Brandon Michael were born. With Connor at 4 lbs 1 oz and Brandon at 3 lbs 10 oz, they were taken to the NICU after I got a quick peek at them. I proceeded to the recovery room to warm up, and Eric headed to the NICU to check on our little guys. By about 8 am, I finally made it to my room and laid there in amazement at what all had transpired over the last 6 hours. Enough are the pictures!!!

The last picture of the pregnant belly!

The last picture of me pregnant right before surgery

Me warming up AFTER surgery...I was SUPER cold.

Connor Arden Danko 4 lbs 1 oz born at 4:45 am on 1/30/07

Brandon Michael Danko 3 lbs 10 oz born at 4:45 am on 1/30/07
(The hood over his head is giving him oxygen)


Eric holding Connor for the first time and feeding him

Kate holding Connor for the first time about 12 hours after he was born

Connor after a nice bath and diaper change on Thursday night

YAAAAAWWWWWNNNNNN...after a full belly...still Connor

Eric's FIRST EVER diaper change on Connor!

Little Brandon...the day they took the oxygen hood off. KEEP GETTING STRONGER LITTLE BUDDY!!!!!!

Eric holding Brandon for the first time on Friday night

Awake and alert. He kept pulling his oxygen out of his nose so they had to tape it down...poor little guy!

Kate FINALLY holding her little Brandon Friday night
The boys are getting stronger every single day and have only taken steps forward. Connor is now in the Intermediate Nursery, beginning to nurse very well and getting cuter and stronger. Brandon is still in the NICU, but graduated to his own "incubator" today and had his first shot at nursing. We aren't sure when they will be able to come home, but as long as they keep getting stronger and "maturing" they will be home in no time. The nursing staff have all fallen in love with these little guys saying how cute they are and how laid back and easy they are to care for.
Connor was "Righty" in the womb and didn't move around a lot. He's JUST LIKE THAT in the real world. Brandon "Lefty" kicked the crap out of my ribs and moved around 24/7..he too is like that now. He's always moving and repositioning himself. When I went to check on him this morning, he was passed out on his belly with his little hand down his diaper. What a little man!
That's all for now. I'm tired and ready to relax for a little while. I'll try to keep this site updated maybe once a week or so. Watch out...CUTER PICTURES TO COME!