Today was GORGEOUS, and the rest of the week should be as gorgeous as today! After I ran my errands, I went home, packed us a lunch, grabbed Rena Bena, picked up the boys and hauled butt to the park to enjoy this beautiful day.
I tossed one of Eric's old kites in the trunk in the event that the day would be windy. I'm SO glad I did! The boys took turns flying their first kite!!!
Here's B taking his turn!

C taking his turn

Rena seemed to be bored with the day's festivities. Either that, or she's just being her plain old lazy self.

When we got home, and played in the back's what she was doing...

Her name fits her so well. When we rescued her, she was so serene! "Serena" as a dog's name seemed too long. So, we shortened it to Rena! She sure does bring serenity into our lives with her sweet gentile personality and grotesque snoring abilities. Gosh, I love this dog!
Now, here's Jade:(

She's had a really rough couple of days! I took her in for a dental cleaning on Monday, and ended up having the vet remove a very suspicious cyst on her front right doggie elbow. We noticed it around when we moved here, and it was only about the size of a pencil top eraser. Now, it was closer to the size of a nickle or even quarter and bright red! Since she was already under anesthesia, we agreed to have it removed. We sent it off to get a biopsy on it, and should know those results in a few days. She HATES that cone thing!!!
I didn't make her wear the cone when I put her to sleep last night because I wanted her to get some good rest. This was her when I got up this morning...

She didn't move. She didn't even look up at me. She just laid there. For those of you who know Jade...she NEVER "just lays there." Usually, she's trampling me down as soon as my feet hit the front entry way floor. I laid now by her and just rubbed her ears and chin for a little while. The fur around both of her eyes was all wet...I'm sure she was crying in pain:( She perked up a little once the boys got up, but instantly went back to being sad as I put the cone back on her when we left. Poor Jade...she's our first "baby" I hate seeing her so down and out. I hope she gets back to her normal, obnoxiously annoying, forever greeting self in a few days. I felt kind of lonely today without her all up in my business all day long!
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