There's not a lot going on right now, but I felt the need to post a couple pictures of the boys. I tell you what, they are SO much fun right now!!!! They are both saying 3 word sentences, Connor knows all of his colors, Brandon knows a few of his colors, they are both asking to sit on the potty (YAY), and they are just down right hilarious. We are officially DONE with the pacies. I don't think they even asked for them yesterday. I was dreading the day I would have to get rid of them, but they didn't shed 1 tear about it. We'll hit potty training with full force in about another month or 2, but for now they are sitting on it before bed. I'll start putting them on the potty in the morning soon, but I'm not going to push it. One day at a time!

The boys were watching their show before nap time, but Brandon couldn't make it :( Such a sweet boy...I wouldn't trade my boys for anything!
It was a rainy day yesterday, so we had arts and crafts time.

I also started some serious spring cleaning. I took a bunch of stuff to the consignment store, and have much more to take to Catholic Charities today. I valued all of my items for tax purposes using the Thrift Shop Value chart from the Salvation Army, and it all valued at almost $600. Trust's A LOT! Hopefully all of my clothes and kitchen stuff will help a family who is struggling right now.
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