Tuesday - Connor wasn't feeling well and I couldn't get him into the doctor. She called in a prescription for some oral steroids and some nebulizer treatments for him. He's had a cough and runny nose for about 2 months now.
Wednesday - Christmas Eve - Eric and I went to mass and tried to stay up to see what Santa brought the boys. Here's what he brought...

Thursday - We opened presents and let the boys play outside in their jammies with their new bikes. That's the best part of Christmas day..playing all day with new toys in your pjs!
The boys don't quite understand how to steer, but they'll figure it out soon enough!

The Christmas aftermath!
Brandon trying to fill up his new "Brandon" cup that Grandma Dorie got him.
We had our friends over for a very delicious dinner. I made turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cherry pie. Sharon brought over some corn, wine, and a really good spinach salad. Everything was homemade and delicious! The turkey was the most delicious one I've ever had. It was perfectly cooked and very juicy! We had a cheese ball appetizer in the shape of a Christmas Tree!!!
Eric bought me a Nintendo DS and I'm totally addicted to it. I like the brain games...the ones that really make you think. I'm such a nerd! We also bought a new kitchen sink and faucet with our Christmas money and gift cards. It's being installed as I type this!!!
Friday - Connor still wasn't any better and Brandon was coughing. We managed to get into the doctor to find out that Connor had an ear infection...I KNEW IT!!!! He's on oral steroids, breathing treatments around the clock, antibiotic, Allegra and Singulair. I'm tellin' ya, I feel like a pharmacy tech! I have so many different medications to keep track of now.
Saturday - Eric and I went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and Yes Man. Benjamin Button was an excellent movie!!!!! I recommend going to see it. Yes Man was good too...a typical Jim Carrey movie. We got a text from the babysitter that Brandon had stuff oozing out of his right ear...that equals another ear infection. I managed to get some antibiotics for him too, and got those filled on my way to a funeral service. My boss's father passed away on the 23rd. Please keep Dale in your prayers as she mourns the loss of her beloved father.
Sunday - I wanted to get to church, but the boys both have some upset tummies from the medicine. I didn't want anyone to have to change their yucky diapers, so we stayed home. In the afternoon, I went to the funeral service at the church for Dale's father.
Monday - Called the doctor's office again for Brandon to get him some antibiotic ear drops. We have an appointment with his ENT doc on the 5th. It's time to reevaluate his ears and decide what's next for him once his current tubes come out. The one in his right ear, the infected ear, has dislodged, but we aren't sure when it will actually fall out.
SHEW!!! It's been a very busy few days especially when there are 2 sick kids involved. We're also gearing up for Eric to head out of town again. This is only for 10 weeks, but I'm losing my helper, best friend, and spouse so it's going to be rough nonetheless. Here are a few cute videos from the last few days too. ENJOY!
Brandon's new trick
Connor AKA Pete and Repeat!
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