This second video is of the boys playing on the Spidey Couch. I was in class, and while Eric stepped out of the room, they dragged their couch in from the playroom and started doing acrobatics on it!
This is a picture of Brandon. While I was changing Connor's diaper, Brandon pulled out the kitchen chair, crawled up on the table and proceeded to play with his pumpkin and hair brush. Now, I'm the master at changing diapers...QUICKLY, so it was a matter of seconds that Brandon accomplished this. Lord help me! I'm thinking of using bungees to hold the chairs under the table!
We had Brandon retested for allergies. Good and bad news. Bad news is that he's still allergic to egg white and nuts, but the good news is that his level of severity has dropped for the eggs. That means there's a good chance he'll grow out of it. Other bad news, is that he's now allergic to sesame seed. Both of the boys have been breaking out, especially around their mouths, when they eat hummus. I wondered if sesame was part of the peanut family. Even though it's not, he's allergic to it! It's about the same low severity as the egg whites, but it's another thing we need to look out for. I'm going to look into taking B to an allergic clinic regularly to monitor him. I think it's a good idea since his nut allergy could be life threatening.
The video with the spidey couch is way to cute.
Brandon is a dare devil...they are just exploring.
We see future Olympians! Thanks for the videos!
Grandma and Grampap
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