It's official, Eric and I have the craziest kids ever...and we wouldn't have it any other way! If you take out Connor's high pitched scream, and Brandon's ever loving lust of throwing food on the floor, they are perfect kids. They copy each other a lot now. For example, Connor was licking the bottom of his shoe in the car the other day, and then Brandon started doing it. I know, I know...licking the shoe is gross, but we definitely stopped it when we realized what they were doing. Connor is getting more and more gutsy when it comes to climbing on things and getting off of the things he climbs. They both listen really well to directions. I told Connor to get his cup and I would put more milk in it for him, and he did! He went into the hallway, picked up his cup, and handed it to me. Tonight, Eric was laying on the floor with Connor's blanket over his head...they were playing BOO. I told Connor to "boo" Daddy and bring his blanket into his room because it was time for bed...and he did! They were especially goofy at breakfast this morning...Connor biting his toes...which Brandon had just done and Connor was copying him...
And B was searching for Booger Treasures!
I know it's gross, but it's funny too! They are why not let them act like it! There is always time to teach them new things, which I do, but I love watching them be normal 18 month olds.

What is worse! Licking your shoe or eating mac n cheese with cat hair!
Aaawwww!! How fun!! I love this age...they are discovering so much and showing off their little personalities!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!
Gotta love it...this age is full of adventures for all. Glad see the personalities!!
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