Brandon had his speech therapy evaluation today. They treated him like a 14 month old, which is his adjusted age. He has to be at least 30% delayed in 1 area or 25% in 2 or more areas. Here's how he tested...
Gross Motor - crawling, walking, run, hop, jump, climb stairs, etc
15 months
Fine Motor - learning to reach, grasp, and manipulate crayons, blocks, puzzles, etc
17 months (I have to say, I was shocked at how much he could do. He's a closet genius)
Cognitive - applying the ability to think and reason
16 months
Language - understanding verbal and gestural communication. Speaking, using words, (gestures) to express thoughts.
13 months which is a 7% delay
Self Help - feeding, dressing, toileting
15 months
Social/Emotional - relating to other and expressing emotions
16 months
Here are the evaluators comments...
Brandon was very alert. He demonstrated appropriate eye contact and curiosity about the environment. Brandon was observed to follow simple directions and use effective problem solving strategies. He was socially interactive with facial expressions, gestures and 1 & 2 syllable vocalizations. Brandon was noted to be demonstrating skills within normal limits in all areas tested at this time. Keep up the good work! Continue to monitor language development and call our agency if progress is not achieved or concerns arise.
Overall, I was very impressed with my little man. I think he's a super smart kid that needs to be stimulated in very different ways than Connor. He pointed to the dog when she asked him to, he totally aced the shapes puzzle she had, he picked these small little tubes (slightly bigger than a toothpick) out of a bottle the size of a prescription bottle and handed them to her when she asked him to. He followed direction very well and was focused the entire time. I needed to see him accomplish those things. As a mother, I worry about him because his speech is delayed, but overall, he's a smart kid! He tested at his adjusted age in every category other than speech, and tested above his actual age on his fine motor skills. Way to go little man!
If I see any further delay or have other concerns, I can call the agency without needing a referral from anyone. I'll be sure to keep their number handy, but I don't think I'll be needing it!
They were eating grilled chicken and grilled squash, zucchini, and onion last night for dinner. B had a onion stuck to his chin (you can see if in the picture above) and kept trying to find it...funny kid!
Lovin' the toy box!
Gross Motor - crawling, walking, run, hop, jump, climb stairs, etc
15 months
Fine Motor - learning to reach, grasp, and manipulate crayons, blocks, puzzles, etc
17 months (I have to say, I was shocked at how much he could do. He's a closet genius)
Cognitive - applying the ability to think and reason
16 months
Language - understanding verbal and gestural communication. Speaking, using words, (gestures) to express thoughts.
13 months which is a 7% delay
Self Help - feeding, dressing, toileting
15 months
Social/Emotional - relating to other and expressing emotions
16 months
Here are the evaluators comments...
Brandon was very alert. He demonstrated appropriate eye contact and curiosity about the environment. Brandon was observed to follow simple directions and use effective problem solving strategies. He was socially interactive with facial expressions, gestures and 1 & 2 syllable vocalizations. Brandon was noted to be demonstrating skills within normal limits in all areas tested at this time. Keep up the good work! Continue to monitor language development and call our agency if progress is not achieved or concerns arise.
Overall, I was very impressed with my little man. I think he's a super smart kid that needs to be stimulated in very different ways than Connor. He pointed to the dog when she asked him to, he totally aced the shapes puzzle she had, he picked these small little tubes (slightly bigger than a toothpick) out of a bottle the size of a prescription bottle and handed them to her when she asked him to. He followed direction very well and was focused the entire time. I needed to see him accomplish those things. As a mother, I worry about him because his speech is delayed, but overall, he's a smart kid! He tested at his adjusted age in every category other than speech, and tested above his actual age on his fine motor skills. Way to go little man!
If I see any further delay or have other concerns, I can call the agency without needing a referral from anyone. I'll be sure to keep their number handy, but I don't think I'll be needing it!
That is great...every mom worries about their child, you are doing great job it sounds like.
Ann's friend Mary here. Our daughter didn't start really saying anything until she was close to 16 months old. And then she rapidaly eclipsed all the age-based markers for speech. She's quite a talker now. We did some signing with her though, which I think made her talk a little later.
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