We hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day filled with family, friends, and FOOD!
Brandon has some crazy hair, so I decided to spike it last night with some gel. He wouldn't let me take a picture of him from behind, but you get the idea of what his hair looked like!

I'm going to start getting into the habit of going outside to play right after breakfast. The weather here gets really hot in the afternoon, but my kiddos LOVE to be outside. Now that Connor is walking pretty well, I'm trying to spend more time out there. I stole my neighbor's slide for a few minutes and let the boys play with it. Brandon spent his entire morning trying to eat dirt. Yum.

Connor is saying, Mommy...I have grass stains on my shorts!

Brandon looks like a yard worker! I can picture him digging in Eric's parent's garden when we visit them later this fall. He, once again, tried to eat the dirt.
It wasn't long before they discovered the road, so I packed them up and took them on a walk. We made it home just in time for their morning nap, and I headed outside to clean up the fence line, pull weeds, weed-whack, and earn a few cuts on my hands...good times. After lunch I put a blanket over their slide to create a fort. They loved it! This was one of the things I loved to do when I was little. Bridget and I would make a fort in the basement under the stairs and pretend to run away...haha

Connor hasn't stopped playing with this slide since Friday. He has bruises up and down his arms and legs from falling off of it, climbing on it, sliding down it, etc.
Here's a little video of them playing together in Fort Danko. I must apologize for the little snort I make while I was laughing at them. If you watch, you can see Connor holding the blanket up for Brandon so he can get under it with him...so sweet. I love my boys!
Brandon stood without holding onto anything for a few seconds today and was VERY excited about it. Hopefully he'll be walking within the next couple of weeks. I'm working with him a lot more than I did with Connor. We're also working on body parts and more words. Connor says a lot of words...in his own language like doggie, bye bye, rock, bath, ball, papaya, more, mama, dada, Beine (my neighbor's dog's name). I think that's pretty good. He looks at the dogs and says "daga" I know that means doggie. Bath and ball sound a lot alike, but I can point to the ball and say, what is that, and he'll answer BA. I'll say it's time for our bath and he crawls to the bathroom and says BA. We're working on it. Brandon is making this new sound and it's really funny. It sounds like he's saying deedle deedle deedle. They're a constant work in progress.
After dinner we went for another walk with my friend Melissa and her 2 daughters. They live just a few neighborhoods over from us. It was nice to have some adult conversation. We came home and tackled some much needed baths before reading some books. Before I could let the dogs in to eat dinner, the boys were down for the count. We had another busy day, but it was a really nice one.
Brandon has some crazy hair, so I decided to spike it last night with some gel. He wouldn't let me take a picture of him from behind, but you get the idea of what his hair looked like!

I'm going to start getting into the habit of going outside to play right after breakfast. The weather here gets really hot in the afternoon, but my kiddos LOVE to be outside. Now that Connor is walking pretty well, I'm trying to spend more time out there. I stole my neighbor's slide for a few minutes and let the boys play with it. Brandon spent his entire morning trying to eat dirt. Yum.

Connor is saying, Mommy...I have grass stains on my shorts!

Brandon looks like a yard worker! I can picture him digging in Eric's parent's garden when we visit them later this fall. He, once again, tried to eat the dirt.

Here's a little video of them playing together in Fort Danko. I must apologize for the little snort I make while I was laughing at them. If you watch, you can see Connor holding the blanket up for Brandon so he can get under it with him...so sweet. I love my boys!
Brandon stood without holding onto anything for a few seconds today and was VERY excited about it. Hopefully he'll be walking within the next couple of weeks. I'm working with him a lot more than I did with Connor. We're also working on body parts and more words. Connor says a lot of words...in his own language like doggie, bye bye, rock, bath, ball, papaya, more, mama, dada, Beine (my neighbor's dog's name). I think that's pretty good. He looks at the dogs and says "daga" I know that means doggie. Bath and ball sound a lot alike, but I can point to the ball and say, what is that, and he'll answer BA. I'll say it's time for our bath and he crawls to the bathroom and says BA. We're working on it. Brandon is making this new sound and it's really funny. It sounds like he's saying deedle deedle deedle. They're a constant work in progress.
After dinner we went for another walk with my friend Melissa and her 2 daughters. They live just a few neighborhoods over from us. It was nice to have some adult conversation. We came home and tackled some much needed baths before reading some books. Before I could let the dogs in to eat dinner, the boys were down for the count. We had another busy day, but it was a really nice one.
1 comment:
that video was way to cute!!! I miss the little guys...Lucas would have so much playing with them right now.
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