The boys have both been pretty sick the last few days. They have the typical "kids cold" that includes a runny nose, occasional cough and a TON OF CRYING! There has been constant crying at my house for the last 2 almost 3 days. They don't have fevers, are eating well, don't have green runny noses, and aren't tugging in their ears, so I'm pretty sure it's not an ear infection. It's just a plain old virus. They had a nice long bath last night with the vapor baby wash and it was the only time neither of them cried for a 20 minute period. We did venture out to Target yesterday because I was going out of my mind, and they were perfect little angels the whole time..until we got home!!!! At least they know how to act in public. Today is supposed to be the meeting for the talent search company, but there's no way I would leave these little guys with anyone today. I really don't think anyone else could handle the crying. I called the commander's wife and she is going to ride with me to the meeting. They love riding in the car and I'm hoping they'll take their afternoon nap! I'm going to pop in and see if there are any handouts and then head back home. At least I'm making the effort!
Connor loves to play with the hair washing cup!
Bubbles taste good mommy!

1 comment:
LOVE babies in bubbles! Too cute!
I am sending lots of love and patience your way, siser!! I hope that the boys get better soon
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