Friday, March 23, 2007

Update on Connor

Well, we went to pick Connor up from the NICU on Wednesday. Eric went to get the car and I stayed to wait for the final discharge paperwork, and then Connor started having another bad spell in his car seat and turned blue. The neonatologist, Dr. Carter, came over and assessed him and unfortunately, he had to stay. Long story short, Connor is anemic and his body isn't producing red blood cells the way it should. They started him on a drug, which I can't spell!, that is supposed to speed up the red blood cell-making-process. He'll receive a shot once a day for 10 days, at that point, he will be reassessed and they will decide if he will need a blood transfusion. Thankfully, Eric and I have blood types that he can have, so we're going to donate blood on Monday...just in case. He hit 8 pounds last night and is getting bigger and bigger. We aren't sure how long he's going to have to stay in the NICU now. Some babies are sent home and a home health nurse will come and administer his shot. We're just hoping he's home in time for his baptism on Easter weekend. Please continue to pray for Con-man and keep thinking about him. At least we know why he's been having these spells and now have a plan to get him well enough to come home!

Oh I walked out of the hospital with the empty car seat I came in with...I saw a red Jeep that looked REALLY close to our Explorer. Yep...he was REALLY close that he ran into the side of our car while Eric was parked there waiting for me. The damage isn't bad, but now we have to get that fixed...geez!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Awe, little Con-man is going through a lot. Glad the cause of the spells has been determined and a plan is in place. Can't believe he is 8 lbs already! Sorry to hear about the car scrape...