I guess you could say the Easter Bunny visited me earlier this week. My 10 year old Hoover SteamVac FINALLY crapped out on me. I bought that machine with my very first bonus from my very first serious job right out of college! 10 years later, it finally died :( I shampoo my carpets at least once a month, if not twice, because of the dogs. The motor died in it, and it became cheaper to buy a new one than to fix the old one. I decided to upgrade a little bit and ended up with this beauty...
We were invited to spend Easter dinner with some of Eric's coworkers. What we thought was going to be an intimate dinner of about 4 families turned out to be a HUGE neighborhood party. The boys had fun playing with 2 other little boys, and the adults had a really nice time chatting. The food was delicious, the kids got to hunt for 200 eggs filled with candy and even $20 bills (C got one!), race with eggs on a spoon, and leave with gift bags in tow. Thank you to such nice and welcoming families!!!

Here's C's loot...

After the egg hunt, they played the "carry the egg on the spoon" game.
Trying to get 5 and 6 year olds to hold a spoon in their mouth with en egg on it did not go so well...

So, they switched to holding the spoon in their hands...

Hope you all had a very Happy Easter!