Saturday, I decided to take the boys into the city to see the Cherry Blossoms. I've never seen the Cherry Blossoms in "almost" full bloom, but let me tell ya...they were beautiful! Click
HERE for the link to the Cherry Blossom website for more information. The weather was perfect, the Metro was fun and PACKED, and the boys did a lot of walking with me with minimal complaining! What I learned MOST from this trip...I now know where the public bathrooms are:)
We hopped on the Vienna Metro Stop...

Got off at the Smithsonian stop....along with what seemed like HUNDREDS of other people....

This is our view as we started the LONG trek to the Jefferson Memorial. Beautiful day, huh?

After we hit the restrooms, we started walking around the Cherry Blossoms...

We just kept walking...and snapping pictures with my phone and you might see some repeats!

The sidewalk that surrounds the Tidal Basin was just plain gorgeous. I didn't get too many pictures because there were people everywhere, and it was really hard to stop and snap a picture and keep my eyes on the boys at the same time. I can multitask like any mom, but I was slightly concerned for the boys' safety!

The boys really wanted to go out on the paddle boats, but the line was incredibly long! Plus, Eric wasn't with us, and I think taking 2 kids who can't swim on a paddle boat by myself is a little outside of my comfort zone. Maybe another time!
Here's a view of the Jefferson Memorial from the wall around the Tidal Basin

Then we continued to walk some more...

Once we made it to the memorial, the boys raced up the steps!

And then C decided he needed to take a break!

These pillars were HUGE. Look at silly B...he was "being a statue"

Jefferson's Statue...

It makes B look so small!!!

Check out the view from the Memorial...


I did end up "bribing" the boys just a little bit...I know...bad mommy. However, the walk to the Jefferson Memorial from the Smithsonian Metro stop and then BACK was a very long walk for 2 little ones. There was a Refreshment stand right by the paddle boats. So, I told the boys if we could make it all the way to the Jefferson Memorial and back, I'd buy them a hot dog. It worked;)

Hot dog, chips, popcorn and a drink...$9...not bad in my opinion! Ball parks charge way more than that.
On our way back, we passed the
Tulip Library that was already in bloom!

So pretty!

We finally made it back to the Metro, and hopped on for the 30 minute ride home. The boys wanted to "ride like big boys" by standing and holding onto the pole the entire time!

All in all, it was a very fun day! Boys were happy to be outside, the weather was beautiful, and the scenery was gorgeous!