Things have been status quo around here for the most part. I'm getting over a pretty nasty cold or virus or whatever it was. Brandon had 2 "nurse maid elbow" incidents this week. One sent us to the ER due to about 12 hours of continuous crying and pain. We aren't sure what's causing his tendons to pop out of place in his wrists and elbows, but hope to get some answers at their 3 year old check up next week.
We are moving right along on Operation Alphabet. I've been putting a big letter out of masking tape on the playroom floor, and I leave it there until they KNOW IT! We have been at it for a week and the both know A, B, C, D, O, T and Connor knows those plus M, W, and sometimes S. They are starting to point out letters on signs, trucks, and in their books.
The boys need constant stimulation! I've been racking my brain to come up with activities for them to do or to help me with. Here are a few!
Tonight was PIZZA MAKING PARTY. I've always wanted to try to make pizza dough from scratch. Fortunately, it's an easy thing to have the boys help me with. I measured out the water, yeast, olive oil, flour, and salt and they poured it all in. Then we let it rise for an hour while we played a game of Cariboo. They LOVED poking at the dough and then punching it down!

Next, I gave them each a little bit of flour on their place mats and threw down a clump of dough. I told them to press it out into whatever shape they wanted. Next, I threw them in the oven for 10 minutes.
I decided to put their pizzas on a piece of parchment paper so they could load up their toppings without burning themselves on the pizza idea if I do say so myself!
First up...sauce...


...itty bitty pepperonis...or as Brandon called them...PACKERONIS. I think he got the pepperonis confused with macaronis!

Brandon added some mushrooms to his...Connor is not "one" with the fungus!
Here's the final product...Connor looks a little stoned!!!!!

Then we popped them in the oven for 10 more minutes and VOILA

The pizza I made for Eric and me!
We studied the letter "M" a little bit the other day and made "M"ardi Gras "M"asks!
Can you tell who is who?