Wow...I don't even know where to start. We've been extremely busy, as usual, but it's not been anything crazy or super interesting.
I made a "shoe box cake" for Cakes for the Cure which was a breast cancer fundraiser put on by the Officers' Spouses' Club. I had a blast making the cake and LOVED the outcome. It brought in the most money of the 12 or so cakes there. Plus, I got to meet the author of army Wives, Tanya Biank. PLUS, I got a few cake orders! Great night.

Last week was a very busy week with the HIGHLOWAHA website I follow. We took a week off from making a recipe and had daily challenges. I have to say a BIG THANKS to my awesome friends and family who participated. The DANKO DEFENDERS won the week!!! Here are a few pics...

The boys are growing and changing so much. Brandon is making some AWESOME strides in the potty training area. I've revamped our schedule and stay home more often now. I try to cram all of my errands during Mother's Day Out so the boys and I can stay home more, stay healthy, and pee on the potty. Although, the boys love to pee in their potties in the back of the Yukon. So funny! Connor has been diaper free for about 2 months now even during nap and bed time. Brandon is staying dry 80% of the time, INCLUDING NAPS!! He has about a 50% rate of getting #2 in the potty. I can tell when his #2 moment is approaching and I'm on him like WHITE ON RICE! I follow him around, and if he's quiet, I have to jump up, follow him, and convince him to go on the potty. He'll sit down and say, "I making a caterpillar" He thinks that #2 looks like cute! I see the end of the tunnel on diapers! I started training them both in about June, and it's now November. If I can get them totally potty trained by the time they are 3, I will feel accomplished and SO proud of them. I know I say they are smart little boogers all the time...and they definitely are. I'd rather take this moment to show a few funny pictures...

This was from today. They were being quiet and I immediately thought they were getting into trouble. Nope...they were sitting in their recliner, sharing their Cheerios! So DARE I think they are getting into trouble? Sorry for the blurry picture...I'm a horrible photographer.

They LOVE LOVE LOVE Rena, and Rena is so patient with them. We ate lunch outside the other day and Rena joined them.

Connor...oh Connor. I don't know what to say about this picture, but it's a great depiction of his personality. That is one of my athletic headbands. They take them and play "rambo" with them, but putting it on the nose was new. He walked around snorting like a pig. Gotta love it.

Once again, they LOVE Rena!
I joined a group called
Operation Baking GALS. We make home baked goods and send them to the troops overseas. I'll be sending out my first donation tomorrow. The boys helped me!!

Did I post any pictures of them from Halloween????? I can't remember! I made them their Thing 1 and Thing 2 costumes. I took them to about 5 houses, but then had to pick through their candy since they can't have most of it due to allergies. No problem...we just handed that candy back out to the kids who came to our door.